The Sick meets Mac & Cheese

Colds I’m no stranger to, but the flu? That one hasn’t messed with me for years!

Sorry. Hadn’t. Until Wednesday night that is. It was a none too pleasant blast from the past that I was kind of hoping I’d never have to see again. No such luck apparently. THE SICK seems to be running wild around these parts lately though and despite my unwavering invincibility… it got me too.

The worst of it played out through Wednesday night but I spent all day Thursday and now onto today feeling crummy and tired.

That might also be related to the fact that I haven’t had any coffee in two days either. Withdrawal?! I’m sticking it out though. Tea caffeine only. Until tomorrow. Maybe.


I’ll tell you one thing, being sick sure doesn’t make vegetables very appealing. The only vegetables I’ve eaten in two days are a handful of baby carrots and a handful of baby tomatoes.

The dreaded bowl of veggies and goat cheese I ate only a couple of hours before THE SICK took over. Yuck.



Fruit, Peanut Butter and Pasta though? Yes please.

Yesterday I was taking it easy since the tummy was queasy. Soda crackers, apples, bananas and dry cereal were my eats of choice.

Like Kashi Honey Sunshine which has finally come to Canada. I scored a coupon for a free box off their website a while ago. It’s the tastier, healthier Captain Crunch. 046


Today I’ve been cramming it in a bit more. Possibly not such a swell plan though since now my tummy feels queasy again. Blah.

Sick Recovery Breakfast: 1/4 cup oats, 1/4 cup oat bran, 3/4 cup water, 1/4 cup almond milk, cinnamon, stevia. Topped with PB&Co Bees Knees and a dollop of strawberry yogurt.


Post breakfast this morning, I headed to the doctor’s office to get a fancy schmancy doctor’s note to validate the fact that I was very ill yesterday and that is why I had to miss a midterm. Otherwise “you will receive 0%.” Grand.

Validation in hand, I headed back home, started up on some notes, then wanted nothing other than pasta. Mac & Cheese actually.

Now Kraft Dinner used to be one of my all time favourite foods. No exaggeration. I ate it all the time. Couldn’t get enough. Definitely ate a whole box myself on more than one occasion.


But then I started the whole healthy eating thing and just kind of…stopped the KD thing. No more neon orange noodles from a box. Pretty much never. In the past 3-4 years I can probably count on one hand the number of times I’ve had mac & cheese as a meal. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had bits and bites of it here and there. But making it by myself, for myself, as the star of the show? It just doesn’t happen!

But there’s something about sickness and macaroni & cheese that just go together. Like Bread & Butter. Spaghetti & Meatballs. Lamb & Tuna fish? (Big Daddy fans anyone?)

I needed some KD and I needed it stat. I was tempted to be plain and simple and just pop open a box but then I saw an old package of the KD powdered cheese just hanging around solo in the pantry (this is where the real KD magic is. It’s all about the fake cheese). And I saw a package of Rizopia gluten-free Brown Rice Penne that I’ve been meaning to try for a while now. Bingo!

2 oz Brown Rice Penne + sprinkling KD Powdered Cheese + dollop Light Sour Cream = Easy Peasy Mac & Cheesy


I was tempted to doctor it up with some healthy add-ins but the sensitive stomach just wanted it plain and simple.

I don’t know why I’ve strayed from my beloved Mac & Cheese for so long. Cheesy pasta is back in action.

I’m hoping my body will be too in the next day or so. In the meantime I think I need a nap. Or to get on with the studying. Oy vey.

I hope you’re all managing to avoid THE SICK. He’s a nasty one. Wash those hands!

19 thoughts on “The Sick meets Mac & Cheese

  1. I hope you feel better love : ( everyone has been sick for sure!

    Mac and cheese would make me feel bette, I used to eat that pretty much everyday as a kid, and I would add hot dogs into it! Gross I know, but it was good ; )

    get rest! xoxo

  2. so many people love mac n chee. i just hate it. hahahahaha i’m sorry i do i can’t stand the noise and it makes me hate it even more.

    except i’ve been craving melty cheese on everything lately or like a cheesy sauce of some type but not in the cheesy pastaness

  3. BOOO on the sickness! But at least you have yummy mac n cheese! I’m such a sucker for Annie’s white cheddar noodles when I’m sick :D Feel better soon!

  4. Ugh, I know the whole “being sick and only wanting to eat carbs” thing. I swear, it’s the only stuff that tastes good. I often go to cheese sandwiches when I’m sick, but I definitely do the mac & cheese as well. And I too have consumed an entire box of KD on more than one occasion in the past. Childhood memories for sure…mmmm, KD.

    Feel better!

  5. Ahhh hope u feel better girlie!! I was sick last week and all my faves, i.e. coffee, veggies, eggs were like COMPLETELY unappealing…the horror! I guzzled the emergen-c and Theraflu which helped a lot :)

  6. Oh no, feel better!

    I’ve always been huge into mac and cheese, I’m really on the hunt for a good healthy, all-natural one. I saw a promising one over on Oh She Glows but I havent made it yet…but like you said, its all about the fake stuff! Haha

  7. I think I got the flu, too – I feel congested and I’m having constant headaches! So awful :P
    And it’s weird but true – comfort foods are always more appealing when you’re sick. Too bad we’re in the middle of Brazil’s summer (which means the temps are HIGHER then ever!), so cold food sounds so much better ;)

  8. My go-to sick food is pastina cooked in vegetable broth and topped with parmesean cheese. Salt + carbs! Plus it was what my mommy always made me when I was little!

    Feel better!

  9. Sorry to hear this mess of illness that’s going around got you. KNOCK ON WOOD, it hasn’t hit my house yet, but my daughter did have a bout of pneumonia last week. Glad to hear you’re on the mend…

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