Heart Day

Happy Belated Day of Love!



Mine included baking Chocolate Brownie Cookies


Eating copious amounts of chocolate treats including (among many others) dark chocolate mini eggs and fancy variety chocolates in gold boxes.030


Eating actual meals like strained yogurt with defrosted strawberries, crumbled pumpkin muffin and cinnamon.


Slaw salads with baked sweet potato chunks that had to be used up before they went to mould city, along with two-bite leftover wraps.


And slightly sweaty but fantastically flaky tilapia


I polished it all of with a night of dancing. Which admittedly wasn’t as fun as I was hoping it would be. Part of that may have had to do with the fact that I was completely freezing the entire night and couldn’t warm up no matter how much dancing I tried to do. Cold is is a bit of a fun killer.


Other than that the day was pretty typical and uneventful. I cleaned a lot. It was good times.

AND it’s now reading week! Which is thrilling. Finally a break from the school stuff. Sort of. Obviously there’s still stuff I need to get done by next week. But a week off! That’s all that matters.


How was your Valentine’s Day? Did you celebrate? If you did, did it include lots of chocolate, flowers and love love love? Just another day?

12 thoughts on “Heart Day

  1. I didn’t eat as much chocolate as previous years, but probably still more than your average Joe! ;)

    Have some fun on your reading week, K? I feel like a little kid again because I booked the March Break off work and am SO looking forward to it!!! LOL!

  2. I had mad chocolate. And beer. And horribly bad action movies. I’d like to say that this is why I’m single but I think most guys would prefer beer and action movies to sappy romantic chick flicks…so it must be something else :)

    Love the cookies! Look greaaatttt

  3. Sweetie has been SICK, so when I woke up yesterday he said, “Happy Valentine’s Day” and went to sleep. Until 7pm. When I poured vitamin C down his throat and fetched the tissues. Pure romance :p

  4. I love the brownies!!!!!!!! Those looks os amazing! I made brownies yesterday too!!!!

    Happy day late Valentines Day to you love!!! xoxo

    Oh my the Cadbury chocolate robin eggs, is that what I see?? If so I LOVE those!!!!

  5. Those darn Cadbury eggs get me EVERY year! Why are they so tasty!?!? Your brownie cookies look fanastic – love the heart decoration!

    Enjoy your week off! My break is March 1st and I can NOT wait!!

  6. i didn’t get any chocolate this year…how horrible is that?! it’s what i get for being single and away from my family…but now that all chocolate is on clearance at target…;) you know where i’ll be.

    and my day was spent trying on clothes and being lazy…never been a vday girl, esp after working at a chocolate store during that holiday…absolute madness.

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