Slack Slack Slack

Sorry. I just haven’t been in the mood to update the past couple days. I’m somewhat forcing myself right now, but since I have nothing better to do, I’m not suffering too much in doing this. I also apologize for the blah tone. I swear one of these days my entries will get a bit perkier.


Breakfast was mixed cereal with yogurt and almond milk. Too bad it’s the only picture of any of my meals I managed to get all day, because it’s definitely the most boring.
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I didn’t really have the chance, or the appetite for that matter, for lunch, so throughout the day I ended up snacking on an apple and some mixed nuts and dried fruit.

I went out for sushi for dinner with a friend and had every intention of bringing my camera but forgot it and only thought of it after already having driven away. So cell phone pictures it is.
Prior to leaving I snacked on some rye bread, mushrooms and carrots.
At the restaurant I got seaweed salad, which was delicious but the seaweed was on top of lettuce that was soaked in the yummy dressing that that particular restaurant uses. I love the dressing, but I have no doubt it’s not the least bit healthy. I ignored that fact that because it tasted so great. I also ordered a salmon, cucumber avocado roll. Simple but tasty. This was my “branching out” from a california roll. How adventurous of me…
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Then I came home craving sweets. I don’t remember all of what I ate. It wasn’t pleasant. I’m pretty sure there were lots of chocolate chips involved.

Then I went out with some friends. I didn’t drink. But I did come home at the end of the night craving snacky food. I never really crave snacky food (aka salty things with crunch) so this was different late night snacking than my typical. Think Crispers and really any flavoured cracker thing I could find. Hm.


I woke up not overly hungry (I wonder why, but I’m thinking the late night snacky foods might have had something to do with it), so I started off with just an iced coffee while getting ready.

But soon before leaving I figured I should probably eat something to avoid any intense hunger pains or embarrassing stomach growling in my morning class, so I had a bit of yogurt with frozen blueberries and wheat berries.
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This held me through my first class but the hunger kicked in by the end of it, so I had half a Carrot Cake Cliff Bar in between classes. This was my first time trying this flavour and I loved it. I’ve only tried maybe three flavours so far, but this is definitely my favourite at this point. It was just a tiny bit too sweet, but other than that I thoroughly enjoyed it (I took the picture at home later on because there was no way I was going to try to take a picture while sitting at school).

My hunger has been really up and down all day, so I thought I was hungry when I made my lunch later in the afternoon, but half way through making it the hunger kind of went away. I ate it all anyway though.
Tuna with FF sour cream, dijon and buffalo on half a slice of rye with spinach…

And a salad with sweet onion dressing, feta and Hot Peppers. This was my first time adding hot peppers to my salad (probably since this is the first time in a long time that we’ve actually had them in the house), but I really liked em and will be adding them again no doubt.

For dinner I wanted some PIZZA. It’s been a while since I had homemade pizza, or really pizza of any kind, and I remembered we had some store bought dough in the freezer that had been there for a while. Unfortunately it was plain old white dough, but I guess pizza can’t always be 100% healthy…
I dressed up 1/4 of the pizza my way. Can you guess which part is mine? Hint: It’s a little greener than the rest…

I added spinach, tomato, mushroom, some garden-y hot sauce stuff, garlic powder, oregano, goat cheese, and a tiny bit of light mozzarella. I ate 1/3 of my quarter. That doesn’t seem like much but I snacked on lots of toppings, cheese etc during the pizza making process. I also ate half a slice later tonight, as in half an hour ago.

Post dinner I had some vanilla yogurt with fresh raspberries and some slightly stale granola.

Then tonight, while being bored and home, I developed sweet cravings. Intense ones. I’m still trying to kill them. I tried with eating non sweet things first, such as these weird crinkle sticks dipped in salsa. No luck. SO I had some chocolate milk. That just made it worse. Now I am making an iced peppermint tea/hot chocolate combo drink. It’s cooling in the freezer right now. To be honest, the sweet craving kind of went away while writing this, but I already made it and I want to drink it so I’m going to.

These snacking bouts and sweet cravings are kind of driving me crazy though. I’ll blame it on the anxiety of school starting and hope that it goes away by next week. Ehe…

11 thoughts on “Slack Slack Slack

  1. While I love your daily updates, I don’t want you to feel like you HAVE to post – only post when your heart’s in it!! I don’t want you to end up giving up the blog, since it’s fun to read (especially your stories, haha :-) ).

    Mmm, seaweed salad!! And that homemade pizza looks great as well (love your 1/4 of the pie, since it has lots of GREEN!! Yum).

  2. Hey slacker! :) Your pizza looks really good. You’re right, though, that doesn’t seem like a lot.
    I’ve been having those cravings, too. What should we do about it?

  3. yum, homemade pizza! your part of the pizza looks so good!

    and how are the wheatberries? i’ve never had them, so if you’d like to divulge on what they taste like, it would be greatly appreciated!

  4. Mm, yogurt with frozen blueberries and wheatberries sounds fabulous. I’m definitely going to be utilizing the frozen fruit this fall and winter!

    Spinach pizza is my favorite! We have a place in Chicago that is famous for its deep dish spinach pizza. Doughy, spinachy, and delicious!

    I’m sorry about the sweet craving and bleh mood – I hope you feel better soon!!

  5. Nicole – You should! I’ve heard a lot of postives and negatives about the Carrot Cake flavour, but if you like carrot cake at all there’s probably a good chance you’ll like it.

    VeggieGirl – Ack, I don’t plan on giving up, no worries! I’m just having an off past few days. But I still totally enjoy doing it for the most part and don’t normally have to force myself. :)

    Erin – Good question. I’m not doing so well with figuring that out since I just end up satisfying them by snacking on whatever my eyes fall upon first, but they seem to be better today.

    Melissa S. – You must try them! I don’t really know how to describe the taste as it’s not very prominent, but I think the most fun part about them is the texture. They are SO chewy!

    Jenn – Deep dish Spinach pizza sounds AMAZING.

    Kelly T – COLD tomatoes? That’s actually a really good idea… I might just have to try that next time.

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