Lava Love

I had a better hair day today. I made the wise decision to put it up. Solves everything.

So today was my first actual day of Break! Woo. I started the day off by making a non-typical breakfast (for me): A Bagel spread with Laughing Cow and topped with a microwaved egg white and ketchup.

I honestly don’t remember the last time I had a bagel but we found these ones at the grocery store last night and they were quite reasonable nutrition-wise so I had to try em. Deelish. I used to be such a bagel fan, I’ve missed them a bit! Half of the Beggel (hehe) sammy is naked on top because I ate that bagel piece plain while waiting for the rest to be ready. Yeah, I’m impatient.

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I spent the morning cleaning cupboards since they were a mess and were driving me nuts. I love cleaning cupboards, most especially kitchen cupboards. I swear I would love going to other people’s houses and tidying up their kitchen cupboards. Ours gets disorganized pretty fast but not fast enough!

I did this while in the midst of Baking! I wanted to bake up some cookies to bring to my Dad tomorrow at work for a Valentines-y treat so I made Lava Cookies


The cookie cutter heart thing didn’t work out quite as well as I’d hoped so I just hearted a couple of em and left the rest plain. I may have eaten a couple of these throughout the day. YUM.

I was hungry but not starving by lunch time, probably because I was quite warm from all of the baking and cupboard cleaning, so I opted for a simple bowl of raw veggies drizzled in balsamic vinaigrette, as well as a couple pieces of leftover baked tofu (it’s taking me forever to get through this batch!) and some butternut and buttercup squash that I threw into the oven once the cookies were done.

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This buttercup squash wasn’t nearly as good as the one I had earlier this week. What the heck is the deal? Sometimes I get perfect buttercup squashes but lately I’ve been getting a couple that just don’t taste the same at all. Their texture is completely off. Maybe they’re incorrectly labelled… I mean, they’re still good but not absolutely amazing like the buttercups I love. Oh well. 


I did a sweet 45 minute treadmill run and some quick arm weights before heading out to meet a friend for some shopping. I was feeling a little icky though, probably from the not-very-sustaining lunch paired with a fairly intense run, so I grabbed some cottage cheese and leftover pasta and chicken as a quick snack before heading out. There was more chicken and pasta than that but I ate a good chunk of it before deciding to sit down and stop picking while standing at the fridge :)


I didn’t buy anything overly exciting while shopping, except a few fairly plain silver rings, some cute and super comfy shorty shorts that I’ll probably use for running, and a few bars on sale.

By the time I got home it was much past my regular dinner time and I was pretty starving, so into a pan I threw some chicken, pasta, spinach and Indian Butter Chicken Cooking Sauce. I rediscovered the jar of sauce in the cupboard while tidying and figured I might as well crack it open now. It is quite tasty!
There’s also a half slice of rye there with hummus and salsa.


This wasn’t enough. So I had some cabbage slaw with feta and garlic vinaigrette.


I also had a couple bites of plain yogurt and some frozen mango before savouring this lovely little dark chocolate Lindt, alongside a mug of hot chocolate coffee.


Then I spent my first Friday night of freedom doing on online assignment for one of my classes, making a couple Valentine’s day cards, chowing down on a bit of popcorn and generally just resting. Works for me.

Tomorrow night a couple of my friends who go to school out of town are coming home so we have some going out plans for the next couple nights. I can’t wait to see them and to go out for some dancing. It has been a WHILE. School has sucked the life out of me. I’m ready to regain it again! If only for one week haha.

Happy Valentine’s Day! <3

Anybody doing anything special, exciting, cute or lovey?

26 thoughts on “Lava Love

  1. yes to bagels and those cookies look fantastic!

    o0o come clean my kitchen cupboards…they need it, I think…You might find some great food in there too, I’m just too lazy to sort through it!

  2. cute lava cookies!!!
    and agree with your about the buttercup squash, sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s a little watery. and I think the trick is that the harder it is, (you can try it with your nail), the better it is.

  3. I think the cookies turned out cute!

    My daughter would clean out cupboards and refrigerators happily!

    My husband bought lobster tails as big as my head!! We are staying in.

  4. Great looking cookies!!

    Hope you enjoy your time with your friends. It’s always nice to have an outlet once and a while! We can’t work all the time. :)

    I’m going to a dinner dance tonight. Even though my hubby’s not really into it, I think it’ll be a fun time! :)

  5. Happy Valentines Day. So glad you are finally on break as I know you are as well.

    Your eats are lovely, although that’s a bummer about the buttercup squashes. That seems to always happen to me with sweet potatoes. Some are amazing and then the next batch I buy are all dry when I bake them. I love a good sweet potato all gooey and syrupy straight from the oven. Nothing like it!

    PS – I still fear the bagel.

    PPS – You’re welcome to come over and reorganize my kitchen cabinets any day! :)

    Have a love filled weekend my friend!

  6. Those cookies are so pretty! I really love them!
    I agree. Putting hair up is a nice solution.
    So glad you’re going dancing! I wish I could see a video!

  7. Bagel sams – I used to eat those all.the.time. I need to start again because they are mighty tasty!

    I lovah da lava :) Looks great!

    Hummus and salsa on rye?! Girl you are wild – sounds fabu!!

    Enjoy your break lover pie!!

  8. Wow, finally someone else who loves buttercup squash as much as I do! Do you know if that is the same thing is a Kabocha squash? I eat half of a large one every night for dinner, and sometimes for lunch too. Unfortunately my hands and skin have turned orange from so much vitamin A. Does this ever happen to you? Lol

  9. UGH-i didn’t get any lindt chocolates this year! That is just wrong haha. I am seriously considering driving to the store to buy all the ones on sale:P The Lava cookies look awesome!

  10. The lava cookies are cute and sound delicious!

    I don’t know if you’re supposed to do this, but I often freeze my leftover baked tofu. I can’t eat a whole block in the time it would take for it to get a lil’ nasty.

  11. I can’t remember the last time my hair wasn’t up. I want to cut it so bad but my cousin has banned me from doing so until after her wedding. I can’t stand it!

  12. You lucky lady! I am living vicariously through you on your break! I’m so sorry that I have been so bad about reading :( I just caught up on all of your previous posts and saw all of those beautiful pictures…and I have plenty to say about THESE beauties, too!

    It’s so funny because I found bagels at the store last weekend, too – and I’ve been seriously meaning to make an egg sammie with them! I think that will be breakfast tomorrow!

    Those lava cookies look amazing! I love the subtle heart design in them – it’s really pretty. Of course, I wouldn’t be able to admire it for too long before it was in my mouth ;)

    Dark chocolate Lindt is one of my favorites! That and the milk chocolate Dove. Oh heaven.

    I hope you had a fun weekend! I spent my V-day apartment hunting with Bobby. It was really fun!!

    Enjoy your break, Kristie!

  13. How about you come with your lava cookies and clean my cabinets?

    I need to clean my cabinets in the worst way. It is on my to do list for this week!

    I stumbled upon your blog and can’t wait to hear more :)

  14. Erin – I wish I HAD a video. That might be ridiculous. Next time maybe I’ll flip the video setting onto my camera and see what we end up with :)

    dancergurl – I’m not sure if it’s the same thing as a kabocha, I think they are a different squash but fairly similar? Either way, I’ve got both now sitting in my cupboard so it’s about time to find out! And my skin has definitely been quite orange for a while now. My mom thought there was something wrong with me because of my overly orange hands but I think it might be due to my mass squash/carrot consumption! Glad I’m not the only one turning orange, phew!

    Syn – THANK YOU! :D

    Heather – Freezing baked tofu? You are a genius! Can’t believe I never thought of that, I freeze everything else!

    I would LOVE to clean all of your cupboards. Just say the word and I’m there and ready to do some serious organizing ;)

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