I Want To Ride My Bicycle

Today was another gorgeous sunny day and the only appropriate exercise to fill it was biking. I’m starting to really enjoy it. I’m slightly uncomfortable riding on main roads with cars all over the place (plus it’s not exactly peaceful and scenic riding with the traffic) but once I hit the quiet residential and trail areas I’m in the zone. I brought along my Ipod today and I adored just whipping through an empty winding path by the river with the music pounding in my head. I wanted it to continue forever but sadly the path doesn’t take long to complete. I considered doing it twice but I opted to just buzz around some other housing areas instead. Next time I might do a double path run though, it’s SO peaceful. Or maybe even seek out some new trails around the area.

I managed to get pounded with many mini flies during the ride though. Yum. At least three in the eye. Some bugger took a chunk out of my ankle too and left a bit of a bloody mess. I also nearly wiped flat out but did some super suave foot implant into the ground spin maneuver that kept me standing. It was pro. Oh AND I came across a SNAKE on one path. I sure cranked up the peddling motions at that point.
Despite all of this I still enjoyed every second.
Well except when I was feeling a little lost going down some sketchy empty path in behind a housing area where I came across a sign mentioning foxes and coyotes? That made me turn around pretty quickly…


My bike ride was nice and long which was much needed after putting myself into a bit of a sugar coma during some baking this morning. I’m keeping in on the DL for now but there may have been two separate and very delicious things concocted in my kitchen that I’ll reveal in the next post.

Yeah so the baking consisted of the majority of what I ate throughout the morning/early afternoon. Ouch.
I also ate quite a bit of banana and about ten pounds of grapes.
Cottage cheese too!

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Prior to that though I was rudely awakened by the doorbell. Or what I thought was a rude awakening until I dragged myself downstairs to find a nice little box sitting at the front door.

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Doesn’t take much to make me happy again. The lovely folks over at popchips sent me their two newest flavours to try – Cheddar and Sour Cream & Onion!  Is it possible that these could sound ever BETTER than the other delicious flavours that are already available? I haven’t cracked them open yet but you can bet I’ll be doing so asap.

Even though I was full up on suga suga, my stomach wanted something a little more normal in it before my biking venture so I whipped up a quick bowl of pumpkin, mango yogurt, cinnamon, flax + vanilla soy protein powder, licked it clean and then hit the road.

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After arriving home and taking a good long shower to scrub off all of the mini fly guts covering my body, I was just about ready for some dinner. Veggies, veggies and more veggies were the requirement so I made the biggest salad of life (spinach, cabbage slaw, steamed broccoli, red pepper, mushrooms and dressed in light sour cream/spicy mustard/ranch seasonings/balsamic vinegar)and topped it with a little ravioli soup that my mom made for her dinner. There is nothing that can’t go in a salad.

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I also had some bread with goat cheese that was completely amazing because I love goat cheese and hadn’t had it in ages but I forgot to get a picture. It deserved one though. Goat cheese probably just deserves its own post.


Backtracking a bit to


I woke up less than gleeful after my night of course selection mayhem and discovered that my mom had gone to the Farmer’s Market to pick  up some apple fritters to bring to the staff at her work. And she left us a box. NO!

Why oh why would someone deep fry and sugar coat apple rings? WHY?
Yes of course I ate one. I threw out a bit of the batter… my attempt at being healthy. Heh. Pfft.  (I actually ate it throughout the course of the day and only had a few bites upon first discovering them. As you can see by the picture)

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She also left me half of a peameal bacon egg and cheese sandwich? Mom are you nuts? I don’t even like bacon… Since when do I eat this crap?!
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Apparently since that morning. I ate half of the half.

But this was too out of the ordinary breakfast-wise.
SO I made a mini bowl of cereal dust, almond milk, frozen banana chunks, strawberries and almond butter to follow it and somehow that made me feel slightly more sane. Slightly.

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I’m pretty sure I also ended up snacking the morning away, which lead to a very late post-grocery shop lunch of bread slices and hummus that were inhaled before I could even think the idea of camera.

Because I got no other veggies in yesterday at all, I had to obviously do a giant dinner salad. Complete with bread and hummus topper. What can I say, I’m a fresh bread junkie. I just love it.

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I also went out dancing last night. No super stories to be told but it was a pretty good time.

Now I’m chillin in on this Friday night and just about ready to call it a night. Sleep time!


Final note: A Sexy Chocolate Covered Giveaway! The Hotness arriving at MY doorstep? YES please!

17 thoughts on “I Want To Ride My Bicycle

  1. I am getting really into biking lately too. It’s so much fun! After riding in the road a bit, I am really starting to get comfortable with it. Your day of baking and eating a pound of grapes + biking sounds like my life!

  2. Eek, that coyote pic is scary! I’m glad you had a great bike ride, though :D Haha I eat sooo many grapes, too. I can never just have a handful. Love the popchips package!

    Have a lovely weekend!

  3. ahh. get out of here with those fritters! dont post such deliciousness. especially not after i baked my life away and had ONE too many tastes. i am with you on the sugar coma. ughhh why do i do that? it tastes SO good at the time and now i feel like garbage.

    dont get attacked by a coyote! eek.

    cant wait to see what you whipped up!

  4. Bike riding is a blast! My hubb nad I pulled a 9 miler last week!

    Mmmm…apple fritters from the market. Haven’t had one of those in AGES!

    And you are absolutely correct….anything can go into a salad!

  5. Holy crap, if I saw that coyote I would have been out of there faster than you could ever imagine, I can’t believe you took a picture! Maybe you’re used to see them? Crazy.

    The Popchips look/sound tasty. I don’t think we have them here, but we have similar products, which are so yummy. I can usually eat one bag easily.

  6. WOAH! Your bike ride sounds treacherous! I want to see what you’ve been baking in your kitch! I’ll bet both things are delicious :)

    Hope you like the popchips! I need to try cheddar still but sour cream was yum! Apple fritters?! I have never seen such a thing but they look amazing! What’s peameal?

    Mmmm bread! Can’t beat that!!

  7. sweet samples!!! i wish i were testing the cheddar ones right now!

    my roommate and i plan to move closer to the water after the summer and i am dying to get a bike once we are a little more outside the city. biking is just such a fun way to exercise!!

  8. People be bikin all ovah le San Fran! And I love it! I want a bike kinda, but then I think of how clumsy I can be. MamaJ likes to say I’m as graceful as an elephant. She is not wrong.

    Oh what are these baking projects? I neeeed to know. Also, thank you for loving fruit and eating as much of it as you want. I’m not saying you eat a ton or anything, I just get sick of people saying, “I then had 12 grapes.” Like, who’s really counting? Why? They’re just grapes! Thanks for letting me get that off my chest, lol.

    Ah! I am the same way sometimes with foods I wouldn’t normally eat. Like in the office there were vegan doughnuts. I’ve never really liked doughnuts, therefore I never usually eat them. But when they’re next to me and they’re vegan? I’m so down.

    Now that I’ve left you a novel comment (sorry!), I wish you a fabulous weekend! :D xoxo

  9. Who isn’t a fresh bread junkie?!?! hahaha, ahhh I had the BEST toasted olive bread at a wedding shower I was at this weekend! Do you like olives?! You’d die!!! ;)

    That bike ride sounds great! I’d love to get in some nice bike rides, but I do notttt own a bike anymore! I need to fix that! And woo! I’m glad you had another fun night out dancing, i’m sure it worked up a serious appetite in the morning!

    Ummm, and I’d eat ALL of those (gorgeous) salad messes in a heart beat! I agree, everything can go in a salad!

  10. Those popchips flavours definitely sound better than the ones already available – I’m all about the sour cream & onion chips, and love me some cheese.

    Wearing sunglasses helps avoid the bug in the eye thing when biking. I always have mine on :)

  11. Eating ten pounds worth of grapes — interchange that with baby carrots, and you’re basically recapping my life story. :)

    That’s great that you’re loving the bike! You’ll get even more used to the traffic the more you ride.

    Those fritters have St. Jacob’s written all over them.

  12. Biking is so fun! The only thing I can’t stand about it is putting it in my car, driving, parking, taking it out without looking challenged and scraping myself. Other than that, I would LOVE to become some biking marathoner or something!

    Goat cheese is incred. My mom is obsessed and puts it on everything. I ain’t hatin’.

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